28 October – MBS Alumni Association (China) - Anniversary Gala Dinner cum AGM 2022
Congratulations to the Manchester Business School Alumni Association China (MBSAA China) and the Organising Committee for an outstanding gala dinner celebrating its 18th Anniversary at Conrad Hong Kong.
The night was a great success surrounded by near 120 distinguished guests, alumni and current students who shared some long-awaited reunion moments. Beyond the celebrations, the University of Manchester Worldwide East Asia Centre took chance to give our MBA graduates of year 2020, 2021 and 2022 an on-stage graduation award ceremony. A big congratulations to Ms. Ines Leong who was awarded the Best Student Award 2022.
Ms. Janny Shum, Chair of the 2022/23 Alumni Association Board of Director gave an encompassing speech on the Gala Dinner theme of #Reconnect, #Co-create and #Sustain. She looks forward to the development of new initiatives that bring wider and richer networking and business opportunities to its members.
This year also marks the East Asia Centre’s growth from strength to strength over the past 30 years. Ms. Christina Siu, Regional Director of University of Manchester Worldwide East Asia, at the event wished MBSAA China continued success. Christina reiterated that she will lead to strengthen the integral role the Centre plays in the East Asia integrated and evolving Alumni community.
Prior to the Gala Dinner, the AGM was held also successfully and now we have a new board of directors!
Take a look at our highlights and remember your favourite moments. Special thanks go to everyone who participated, sponsored and supported the Gala Dinner, including Queenie, Justin, Ines and Cyrus who acted as Masters of Ceremony and staff members of the University of Manchester East Asia Centre, making the night such a success!

Celebrating 18 yrs

Passing On

2022 New AA Board


Graduates with distinction


Best Student Award 2022

past Best Student Awardees

50 Winners

Human Bingo


Beijing Tong Ren Tang FMT

Cerruti 1881

Mandarin Oriental

Gieves & Hawkes

Thanks Sponsors

Yeh Shen wine sponsor

wellbeing sponsor

Many Prizes

Gifts for Games

Simon & Alumni Past Chairs

Memorable moments

Great Vibes

Lion Club

Long Lost alumni

table gifts

Conrad Ball Room


Manchester Business School