24 & 31 October – MBS AA Basketball Club in Sketch League
MBS AA Basketball Club team tipped off game 1 and 2 of league play with Sketch Basketball league with two close games. We are in the process of development and growth individually and as a team. Through adopting to league game pace, level of competition, and team work. We have already benefited from game 1 to 2. We look to continue to build on our development in growth for upcoming games before we get into the playoffs. Feel free to join us live at the games in support or watch our games on live stream at https://www.sketchbball.com/Schedules/Division-6 and look out for updates from our FB, IG, and Flyers for more information.

Sketch League Full team Group Pic

Tactics and strategies time!

Tony and team half time

Game2 Strategy review

Game2 defense

Game2 UoMvsEurus

Friendly game


More shoots


Manchester Business School