3 Aug – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Selling Yourself Through Your Words
We need to sell ourselves all the time NO MATTER in a job interview, budget approval, job promotion, charity works or dating a girl. It’s not that natural and easy for some of us.
Thank you Justin and Pappu for sharing two basic yet winning tips: having a framework and highlight relevant points to the topic/ situation/ people.
Our new member Laura was the Ah Counter for her first facilitator role – excellent reporting with a willingness to perform with excellence! We look forward to hear her Ice Breaker speech soon.
Congratulations to Paddy who completed his Level 1 project in his second return visit to the club!
We look forward to seeing you again.
Our next meeting is 17 Aug 2022 (Wed) 730pm at our EAC in Causeway Bay.
Come join us!



Manchester Business School