19 July - Hong Kong Summer Networking Party
It has been almost 3 years of suspended the face-to-face gathering and finally, we made it!
The East Asia Centre organised a Summer Networking party on the evening of 19 July. Over 90 alumni and students rekindled old friendships and broadened their networking and business opportunities in the East Asia region.
We are delighted to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of East Asia Centre in 2022 together and this party is only the first event! In addition, we are also counting down to the bicentenary of The University of Manchester in 2024!
Special thanks go to our GMBA alumnus, Mr Tim Chan, who was the MC for the party, and Mr Martin Keil, who kindly sponsored the good quality wine and juice to all the participants.


Thanks Yeh Shen

Alumni & students

Full house

Lucky Cookies


Gentlemen corner


Party is on

We made it

Long time no see

Finance Professionals

Nice to Meet you


Catch up


Manchester Business School