4 August – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club - Persuasion is a vital skill to all business executives
Whether you can CAPTIVATE people’s minds, make them move to your side and buy your idea, depends on your effective persuasion.
Dr Robert Cialdini, an author and training expert shared with us 3 important steps in persuasion:
1. Set a precise goal for your message (avoid anything too broad)for that specific audience, at that particular moment, with a particular offer
2. Create a mindset that links your goal to your audience
3. Use words, situations and images to bring the audience into your pre-set mindset.
In addition, Dr Cialdini shared that, persuasion starts even before we utter any words! To boost audience acceptance, we can lead the audience to think about the importance, elevate the importance and indicate signs of the importance of our message to them before any words are spoken.
There is always room to improve our everyday skills. We can learn so much at Toastmasters!

Persuasion - worldwide members


Manchester Business School