28 Oct - MBS Alumni Association China: AGM Annual Dinner
The MBS Annual Dinner 2015, together with MBSAA China’s 11th AGM, was held at Royal Garden Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui in late October. The occasion began with stimulating sessions at the AGM, after which everybody let their hair down at a relaxed dinner party.
This year, with the theme of 1960’s with slogan ‘Innovation and Heritage’, the event was highly appreciated by over 220 alumni, current students, China representatives, board members and other distinguished guests comprising education professionals, VIPs from different sectors of the Community and alumni from various regions. The fun evening included cocktail reception, fantastic Chinese dinner, mini MBS games, toasting and grand lucky draw. We thanked Professor Elaine Ferneley, Global & MBA Director of Manchester Business School to update us with the school development and achievements.
AGM in progress
Old & New Board


Manchester Business School