September 11 (Saturday) - Shenzhen Career Development Seminar: Emotional Intelligence & YOUR Career
Millions of new graduates are competing for jobs in China each year and thousands of expats and Chinese repatriates are looking to continue their careers on the mainland. What do you need to do in order to make yourself stand out in the war for talent in China, or in the words of Jack Welch, what do you need to do to “get out of the pile?”

The speaker, Mr Allison has over 25 years of training and coaching experience in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. He showed us how to elevate EQ in our career.

It was not only a career seminar but also an invaluable networking event. Over 50 students from different regions come together and attend this seminar at Shenzhen. All our students were impressed by the speaker’s lively presentation and benefited from his insightful findings in career management.

any cultural difference ....
EQ or IQ ?
Successful case studies by alumni


Manchester Business School